written by
Jock Brocas

How do Rats Get Into Your Home

7 min read

Rats are dirty, and they also spread diseases. In fact, rats were responsible for the Bubonic plague in Europe back in the mid 1300s, and was aptly known as ‘the Black Death’. What is most interesting is that even though this historical time was fraught with one of the worst pest infestations in history, the threat still exists today in the modern world.

You may have heard of cases of rats biting humans and causing fever or at worst cases of the Bubonic plague, which has happened in the USA in the last few years and was reported widely in the media. Rats cause all sorts of damage. They contaminate your food, chew on your appliance wiring, and damage your home. They have even been known to cause fires in some homes.

Pest infestations can be lurking in your home without your knowledge, and they shouldn't be ignored if you see signs. How do rats get into your home, lets find out more? Learn how these pests crawl through and what attracts them to your home.

Entry points for rats

It just takes one small hole for a rat to invade your home. In fact, a rat can get into your home through a whole the size of a small coin, which is probably not something you would consider. Here are some ways on how rats get into your home and what you can do to prevent them.

how do rats get into your home
How do rats get into your home?

Wall and foundation cracks

Rats outside your house often lurk around and find good entry points for your home. One of the easiest points to access are the cracks and holes in walls and foundations. Your crawl space in particular can be a great entry point and especially if there are water issues in your crawl space.

Foundation cracks that are near ground level make easy entry points, and some rodents even dig through small cracks they can find. To keep them away, use waterproof sealants. Sealants work best for big entry points, but you can use caulk to fill small holes. You should also have your crawl space encapsulated that will negate those water issues and protect you from other wood boring pests such as termites, carpenter ants and Old wood borers.

Roof holes

Aside from getting through bottom entrances, mice get inside your home through holes in your roof. One small hole can already welcome rats to get in. Probably the worst Rodents from getting into your home other than rats are of course squirrels, which are all over the USA and cause damage in homes if they get inside. The squirrel is of course a member of the rodent family, and whilst often considered cute, they are pests in their own right.

Other Pests Access Roof Cracks

Moreover, other pests may invade your attic like Hornets, Bees and Bats. Check the area from time to time and look for roof gaps that can allow them inside your house. Rats show no mercy on chewing ridge cap plugs, destroying insulation, which another point of concern that can escalate further.


As mentioned previously; Rats can pass even through dime-sized entry holes. Hence, it's easy for them to invade your home by passing through your chimney or any small hole that allows ease of access to your property.

Your chimney, if you have one, is an opening that begins from your fireplace and ends up in your roof. It quickly exposes your home to any pest. The chimney can often be another easy point of access to rats, bats and other pests.

Professionals use grates or caps to install in chimneys as protection against rats who look for warmth inside your home. After all, there’s heat in that area and that’s what the animal looks for, heat. Just the same as you would on a cold day, they also want to keep warm.

Vents and windows

Air vents and window gaps are often left open, and these serve as fixed entry points for pests to enter your home. Seal gaps you can find in your vents and inspect your windows for any holes that can allow rats to get indoors. The vents and windows are areas that can often be seen easier when you inspect your property.

Pipes and wiring

Rat chewing on wires can damage your home and cause fires.

Hollow materials like pipes provide easy access to mice and rats if they have become damaged. Moreover, these pests follow your pipes and your wiring system as a guide to locate food sources inside your home. Should your crawl space have damaged pipes or even your water source or sewer, then those pipes will allow rats and other pests to gain access to your home.

Large packages

This possibility may surprise you, but it's not an insane idea to learn that there might be rats hiding in large parcels or packages of food you just brought inside your home. However, this is very rare and can be more a problem in places where there’s less than adequate precautions and hygiene. Nevertheless, it’s one worth being aware of as it can happen.

What attracts rats to your home?

Just like most pests, rats thrive on sources of food and water. They look for shelter and warmth, and that makes your cozy home a rat's favorite food hole. Your Crawl Space is often one of the first entry points for rats to find shelter, find water and food.

how rodents get into your home - crawl space
Rodents Love to get into the crawl space.

Rats never tire of looking for food

Rats aren't particular about types of food. They are not picky, especially when it comes to looking for food at night. These pests would chew on your wood, insulators, and even wires. Interestingly, Rats have been the cause of many a haunted home or poltergeist, but that’s another story.

It's not an uncommon sight to see mice feasting in the contents of your trash bin. These rodents have strong sensors that allow them to sniff on foods and locate them easily. Leaving your food uncovered makes an easy target. Be prudent about how you deal with food waste in your home.

Rats look for warmth and shelter

Since rats are warm-blooded animals, they always look for places that will provide them with warmth. They dig pits in your home, so they can build their nests and mark certain corners of your home as their territory.

Rats need water supply

When there is no water source from the outside, a pest's instinct is to look for the leaking pipes and sometimes your pet's water bowls. When the rats see that they have easy access to water, they will stay longer in your homes. This is another good reason to have your crawl space encapsulated.

Follow the tips to prevent rat infestations

Before rats infest your homes, it is best to consider employing these tips so that you can keep them at bay and reduce the chance of spreading disease. Remember this, ‘bubonic plague’ is still a threat in the USA.

1. Inspect your home for any gaps or holes

Seal entry holes and cracks that you can find with hardware, cement, and plaster. For windows, you can use weather strips to cover the gaps that you find.

2. Practice proper food storage and disposal

Cover garbage bins at all times to prevent rats from gnawing the leftover food and trash inside the container. Refrain from leaving leftover food open and lying on the floor.

3. Make a compost pit

Ripe fruits from your garden should already be picked up and make a compost where fruits and vegetables can be buried just if they are not acceptable to be eaten.

4. Seal pet foods in containers

Feed your pets during the day and store dog or cat food in tightly sealed containers.

5. Dispose of any old and broken stuff

Throw away old appliances that you no longer find useful to ensure that these don't become chewing targets for rats.

6. Set up traps and poisons

Hire professionals to set up traps and baits should you find any threats of rats in or around your home.

Hire Professionals

The easiest and hassle-free step for rat extermination is consulting rat control professionals. Experts have the right equipment and tools to look for signs of rats and give you better and effective extermination solutions.

Make your home free from rodents to protect your family from diseases and your home from damage. Start your rodent control program today.