written by
Jock Brocas

Why You Need Fall Pest Control

Pest Control Tips 4 min read

Here’s why fall is the right time to get your pest control and crawl space in order. Pest control is something that is needed throughout the year. All the way from the hot summer months to the colder winter months, there is always a need for pest prevention and control. But why is pest control particularly important during the fall months? As we move into fall, you should be considering what pest control measures to take and, of course, get your crawl space inspected before serious inclement weather arrives.

Well, there are a number of pests that could look at your home as their home during the fall. Here are some of the most prominent offenders.

Mice And Rats are common in the Fall

Some of the most common pests encountered during the fall are mice and rats. After all, rodents will need a warm place to survive during the colder months. So, during fall, they tend to start looking for the best place to get through the winter. If your crawl space offers easy access, then you may as well have put out a welcome mat.

Rodents can get through the smallest holes and crevices, the size of a dime to be exact, so it is essential to prepare your home. Check the interior and exterior of your home for any holes or crevices and make sure they are repaired as soon as possible. This will prevent any rodents from entering your home.

Rodents Spread Disease

fall pest control

Why are rodents in your home so dangerous? Well, they have been known to carry all kinds of diseases, including the plague which still exists in modern day. In addition to being disease carriers, they can also wreak havoc on your house itself. Rodents can destroy insulation, bite through wires, destroy your HVAC System, and even damage woodwork. Needless to say, mice and rats in your home can cause a serious property damage bill.


When it gets a little colder outside, flies get closer to your home to look for heat. This is particularly the case for any walls facing the south and the west, which are usually the warmest. While it does get colder in the fall, not all days are as cold as the next. So, when a warmer day occurs, flies can come out of their hiding holes to seek some more warmth.

In addition to regular flies, you will also encounter plenty of stinging insects. Over the course of the summer, most insects will spend all their time creating the perfect nest. However, the size of the nest and the number of insects become a problem once temperatures get colder. The nest becomes harder to maintain and food becomes harder to find for all the insects. As conditions worsen, many stinging insects become more aggressive. Needless to say, nests near your home could be very hazardous and should be taken care of during the fall months.


fall pest control

Ants also have their own troubles with the colder winter months. To escape the cold, they can start to find shelter inside your home. And if you are really unfortunate, it could lead to entire colonies moving into your house.

An ant can enter your home through the smallest opening. Even the tiniest hole in cement could be a prime entry location. Much like with rodents, it is vital to prepare your home and deny these critters' entry.


One of the worst critters that may enter your home during the fall months are cockroaches. After all, these critters are some of the hardest to get rid of. There are also different types of cockroaches, some more persistent than others. There can be many primary attractions for cockroaches to enter your home. Of course, moisture is one of the most dominant ones.

Hornets and Wasps

As the colder weather arrives, you will find that wasps and hornets become very agitated and this is the time when they are most likely to be a danger to you and your family. They are more likely to sting or attack as the weather gets colder. If you come across a hornet’s nest or wasp nest, do not attempt to remove it on your own using DIY methods. Call a pest professional.


Many people think that spiders come into the home in winter to get into a warmer climate. This assumption is, of course, totally wrong as spiders are well-equipped to deal with those conditions. The truth is that you have always given a home to the spiders, but your expectation is they will come inside and that is why you see more. They have always been there. So, if you want to make sure you do not have a spider infestation in spring, start your pest control now.


fall pest control - termites

Termites are active all the year around, and they will go deeper into the ground during colder weather. However, this does not mean they do not pose a danger. In fact, you could just as easily have a termite infestation in fall and winter than in summer. In reality, it could be more dangerous as they come from deeper within the ground and travel up to your home, which may offer a survival source.

How Do I Protect Myself Against Fall Pests?

Finally, if you suspect an infestation, contact scouts pest control immediately. The longer an infestation is left untouched, the more damage pests can cause to your home. Fall is often one of the best times to start a regular pest control program, and is especially good to get your crawl space inspected and encapsulated to protect you from water damage and of course pests making your home theirs.

fall pest control pest control tips pest control